Screen sizes between 30 and 120 m²
Why a closed semi-trailer
A closed LED semi-trailer is not only the fastest way to build up your screen, it’s also the best protection of your screen during transport, when stored on a parking lot but also on events the screen is out of reach. Another advantage is the opportunity to build a control room in the trailer, so the operator and equipment can sit dry and warm.
All closed LED semi-trailers consist of a metalized and spray painted chassis equipped with outriggers, a polyester body, a telescopic mast and the screen reinforcement structure which can be made out of 1, 2, 3 or 4 parts depending upon the desired screen surface. Each of those screen parts can be locked together to create one big seamless screen surface.
The chassis
The chassis of each vehicle is individually calculated, designed, manufactured and tested in house to hold a high quality standard. This ensure the chassis can handle the enormous windforces which act on the screen surface. Equipped with the extendable hydraulic outriggers this chassis guarantees the trailer won’t tip over till windforces of up to 7 beaufort. Each chassis is provided with all the necessary mounting holes for the hydraulic unit, rotating motors, transport holders and storage boxes.
The mast
Depending on the purpose of the screen and the screen surface the mast will be designed to meet the desired hight till the bottom of the screen. All mast are equipped with our own sequence system to guarantee a smooth and safe elevation of the screen. Our mast elements are made with the highest precision to ensure the screen will be stable during fluctuating windforces. The hydraulic cylinder in the mast which is operated by the build in hydraulic pump lifts the screen to the desired hight. At the bottom of each mast the slewing ring allows you to rotate the screen 360°. Each mast is tested during construction to the maximum windforces and can be approved by TUV.
The screen
The screen structure will be made out of high grade steel pipes welded together to form a light and at the same time strong frame. On to this custom made screen structure we provide mountings to exactly fit the screen tiles of your choice, so they are easy to mount and dismount but also to get as much access as possible to the datacards at the rear of the tiles. Optional we can provide ladders and foldable service platform on this structure to get an easy access to the screen. Guiding’s on the bottom of the structure makes sure each screenpart exactly fits on top of the other part without any seam. The screenparts can be locked together with hydraulic cylinders.
Depending on the weight of the LED tiles, screen sizes up till 120 m² can be installed on an open semi-trailer
Because each trailer is custom made, options are endless. Some of the most common option on an open semi-trailer are service platforms in the screen structure, a PDU, a generator, a windmeter in the roof, aircon in control room,…..
Some of our recent productions